The Democratic Primary of the Millenium continues as the News Entertainment people salivate over the poll data from states that we all try to forget like Wyoming and Mississippi--where despite the Homosexual road dragging and hundreds of years of deep bigotry Obama is coming out on top.
I don't know if I've said it here before but I am an Obama man--much like most people my age. I could go on about how Hilary is entirely bought by lobbyists, how Obama has some how charged the zeitgeist of a generation that views elections as something decided by the richest 1% or how rad it'd hearing people say "Here now is President of the United States of America Barrack Obama." Instead I use the topic that Obama himself has created as a sort of sound byte for the Media whores but as well as a call to arms for us, the powerless: Hope.
My neighborhood in West Philly is a place where people live broken lives of no meaning. generations upon generations leech off of family members that should be deep into their retirement; Kids don't go to school 'cause its cooler to be a gang banger; Attitudes toward different races are equivalent to living in South Carolina; and where drugs flow more freely than words with more than two syllables. To me this would be the last place anyone would give a shit about politics, let alone a presidential primary.
Yet i see Obama '08 signs int he windows of barber shops and section 8 apartments. I see black men with long beards going door to door for Obama trying to bolster support from a people that everyone in this country has forgotten or just don't give a shit about.
I know all the boomers are gay for Hilary and think she's gonna be able to manipulate the system to get what she needs (read: get the people who bought her to do stuff for her and then do stuff for them 'cause they own her), but in a election year where the theme is change perhaps we should look at actual change versus a different name.
If a black man with name that make shim sound like he should be part of those America's most wanted trading cards, is inning deep southern states, creepy backwards western states and Vermont--that means something.
If this man is getting a generation who came to political maturation during a period where elections were bought and sold; the GOP barred those the didn't think like them from voting: one of the worst presidencies in American history; and complacency and apathy at an all time high. to be excited about how there next president could be rather than pick from two nearly indistinguishable rich, white, middle aged men--that's real change.
Getting urban black people who are now two three generations into crack and urban decay, who've been left behind by their country and who can only look to their grandparents and great grandparents for positive role models to vote--that's real change.
Getting people from countries that have hated our guts for the better part of a decade, become interested in us again if we elect this man--that's real change.
Getting any of us to think that the future might be better and not more of a shit sandwich after 8 years of our country plummeting and becoming more ignorant and backwards--that's real change.
Getting to people who have polarized political beliefs to agree on a hate for Whitehouse insiders and have interest int he same man--that's real change.
So now matter how close Hilary is in delegates and how much people still like her, I think that Obama not being given the nomination would do irreparable damage to the hope this country has to the hope of the people politics has become a bane to.
I don't know if I've said it here before but I am an Obama man--much like most people my age. I could go on about how Hilary is entirely bought by lobbyists, how Obama has some how charged the zeitgeist of a generation that views elections as something decided by the richest 1% or how rad it'd hearing people say "Here now is President of the United States of America Barrack Obama." Instead I use the topic that Obama himself has created as a sort of sound byte for the Media whores but as well as a call to arms for us, the powerless: Hope.
My neighborhood in West Philly is a place where people live broken lives of no meaning. generations upon generations leech off of family members that should be deep into their retirement; Kids don't go to school 'cause its cooler to be a gang banger; Attitudes toward different races are equivalent to living in South Carolina; and where drugs flow more freely than words with more than two syllables. To me this would be the last place anyone would give a shit about politics, let alone a presidential primary.
Yet i see Obama '08 signs int he windows of barber shops and section 8 apartments. I see black men with long beards going door to door for Obama trying to bolster support from a people that everyone in this country has forgotten or just don't give a shit about.
I know all the boomers are gay for Hilary and think she's gonna be able to manipulate the system to get what she needs (read: get the people who bought her to do stuff for her and then do stuff for them 'cause they own her), but in a election year where the theme is change perhaps we should look at actual change versus a different name.
If a black man with name that make shim sound like he should be part of those America's most wanted trading cards, is inning deep southern states, creepy backwards western states and Vermont--that means something.
If this man is getting a generation who came to political maturation during a period where elections were bought and sold; the GOP barred those the didn't think like them from voting: one of the worst presidencies in American history; and complacency and apathy at an all time high. to be excited about how there next president could be rather than pick from two nearly indistinguishable rich, white, middle aged men--that's real change.
Getting urban black people who are now two three generations into crack and urban decay, who've been left behind by their country and who can only look to their grandparents and great grandparents for positive role models to vote--that's real change.
Getting people from countries that have hated our guts for the better part of a decade, become interested in us again if we elect this man--that's real change.
Getting any of us to think that the future might be better and not more of a shit sandwich after 8 years of our country plummeting and becoming more ignorant and backwards--that's real change.
Getting to people who have polarized political beliefs to agree on a hate for Whitehouse insiders and have interest int he same man--that's real change.
So now matter how close Hilary is in delegates and how much people still like her, I think that Obama not being given the nomination would do irreparable damage to the hope this country has to the hope of the people politics has become a bane to.