Friday, November 24, 2006

I don't forgive, and I dont--forget

So I've seen a movie every full day i've been home. Tuesday was Borat, Wedensday was The Departed, last night was The fountain and tonight shall be Tenacious D: In the Pick of destiny.

controversial Statement: The Opening lines of The Departed: "20 years after an Irishman couldn't get a fucking job we had the presidency--may he rest in peace. see, what the niggers never understood was, No one's going to give it to ya, you have to go out and take it."

I think that's the problem a lot of people have especially from my generation. Years of your parents doing your laundry to only doing errands if your parents came with you has made a lot of kid sy age non-competative and needing soeone else to do things.

At the same rate baring the shades of gray complications of the stateent I think this is th eblac communitity's problem. Too many times inner-city kids count themselves out before they even do anything. Think they wont get a job before they even go to the place for an application.

just food for thought. Oh and the foundation is amazing fuck the critics

Thursday, November 16, 2006

My links finally work!

so if you comment on this shindig, guess what you get a link right over there --->

So last night was wicked funny, and here's why:

The second floor bathroom is a wreck, the sink doesn't really drain because the hole plugging device's mechanics don't work. Also the toilet clogs rough 4-5 times a week. Usually Brosef or Mello try to fix it themselves, and in the last resort they come to me because, I always unclog it. Now in my experience, sometimes if there is a clog or what have you and you leave it, you can come and flush it because it will ahve figured it self out. I tried this.

This was a horrid msitake, because it didn't figure itself out--it didn't stay in the bowl either. And this was shit water.

Trying not to panic I thien plunge the fuck out of the bad boyu and get it unclogged. Rather than having the normal response peopel do when shit water is overflowing all over your bathroom floor and dripping down to the floor below, be bursted out laughing harder than we have perhaps all year. This was seriously one of the funniest things to happen yet. Which was nice because there had been a very loud, very close gunshot about 10-20 minutes earlier (this nearly ruined our session of watching an installment of Cathouse 2 on HBO)

First I try to soak up the asswater with a towel. Then I use a lysol soap scum remover--LOL. Finally I went nuclear, I got my boats (the boots that are so big that I have to register them with the harbor master, yet this si a story for another day) And pick up the powder bleach and go buck wild with it. It's fucking everywhere, then I get a sponge mop thing that I didn't even know we hd and started going to to town. Then we used andother towel to wipe that up. The smeel was reminiscent of my Jager adventure.

Having had sweet belly laughs at our plight we all went to bed for it was 3 am.

In unrelaed news I want my computer back so bad becuase I am currently sweeting off about 30 pounds in the sauna that is the basic editing lab and really the entire media arts department as a whole.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Sorry guys

My comp was in death throes and is now in the computer hospital. I have some other interesting ideas o share with you but first let me share with you this video:

It's very interesting, i don't know if it's senility or some form of alzheimer's--or perhaps it's all those years of partying catching up to him--but certainly there is a definite decline in his speech.

In more neighborhood related news, I had one of the scariest nights yet last Thursday which I may or may not go into detail later.

Fuck it.

There was a gunshot. Then several more. I went outside a few minutes later and the PPD (a Patty Wagon, a fw cruisers and officers on foot) were scanning our neighborhood. They came upon two of my neighbors and some other dudes and asked them to sit on our steps that we share with our neighbors. Apparently on eof the dudes on our very steps was searched and they found a gun on him. They then proceeded to calm him down. There were two upperclass looking dudes there too, who might have been trying to scare local dealers. I didn't sleep well that night and had my 9:00 am class the next day. which I through my clothes ona nd ran to. I then proceeded to watch "Children Underground," a documentary about Ceausescu born children living in a post-Ceasescu Train station in Bucharest. It was perhaps the msot depressing thing I've eevr seen. However what was worse was that because there was little to no levity to break the despair, you wanted to cry in the beginning but by the middle you were desensatized to not even care when a 14 year old girl is stomped by a grown man--or anything else that happens. After that I ran into a huge amount of problems trying to schedule my classes (I still haden't eaten all day) msotly due ot lack of computer. Finally I finished everythig and go to a lunch truck, trying to get some food. I think I have $5 but it's in my otherbag.

The Lunch cart people let me have the food anyway. And it's this very kind gesture that saved this day. I was in the middle of a shitstorm and these people--who clearly can't afford to throw away money on the onor of strangers helped me out, without even thinking. This is when I saw that for everything that happens in my neighborhood or in documentaries there is a fundamental kindness in people, whether it's the lunch truck woman taking an IOU for money, or the head of my program rying to fiigure out how to salvage my schedule for next quarter despite all the things she has to do.

I jsut think we need to excerise this instinct. We need to cultivate ou kindness and generoucity. Say hello to someone, even though you're busy and live in amajor city. help someone out without any sort of reembursement.