Monday, February 19, 2007


So Bwana's blog got "lost" by the blogger people and when I was asked to do a lot of moving I thought that mine was going to go that way too. However I have successful made the move tot he new version of blogger (and remembered my password) and see almost zero change. Other than niftier (though less functional) buttons and front page and this new lables thing below--there's no real change.
Got back into the DVD collecting mindset and picked up The Departed, The Science of Sleep, and The Abyss Special Edition. My collection grows and now I merely await the release of the rest of the best films of 2006 so that I may purchase them.
I watched The Science of Sleep a few nights ago and was mesmorized by the production design and effects and loved the story--till the end. Where I leap up and screamed at my computer screen, "You Fucking Frog! Only a Frenchman would end a movie like that!" However for those who haven't viewed it get on it and check this thing out.
We finally had our meeting on the movie. Chris had to leave and after his departure Faulkner and I crafted a premis and the beginnings of a plot for the project. This could be big or it could be too big for us to actually make. The idea is phenominal and I'm extremely excited for what happens next.
The Roommate issue is finally abated and our good friend Nick Marchione will be living with us next term, howeevr his father understand our plight and will be giving us March Rent! Everyone has been elated and it seems like although this felt like the shortest weekend ever, a lot of great feats were accomplished.
However there's some shitty news, my phone basically stopped working and I paid a $50 fee for them to ship me a new one, my real mission is to somehow get some power into the old so that I can transfer all my numbers and maybe if I can get powered all the way I can get them to try and transfer all the pictures and shit I have on there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea yea, don't give Science away. i got it coming from Netprix in a few days.

3:16 PM  

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