Saturday, August 05, 2006


Been hella busy. The other day I heard that the French and ourselves were forming some Peackekeeping coalition to stop the Hezbollah-Isreal conflict. Yeah the French help now, you baguette-eating shitheads. Darfur continues to happen yet this is where your support goes.

Back in High School former news Anchor for channel 4 and BHS parent Liz Walker came to my school with footage from darfur, she urged us to call upon our Congressional and Senatorial leaders to help get something done over there. We had open mics for questions so I went up:

Me: "Ya know it'd be great to send a ton of troops over there and just stop this, but we already have two wars going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention Peacekeepers in the former Yugoslavia, Haiti and other nations that you've probably forgotten about. But I do know of two places wher there's a bunch of troops just hanging around: Germany and France. See France has always said that 'They have this great connection with the Arab world,' and how 'They've been trading with them since the 1400s.' How about for the first time Germany and France and the rest of Western Europe give condemning us a break for a second or two and put their money where their mouth is? Britain can sit this one out, 'cause they've been working overtime with us."
Liz Walker:...

The truth is that if there is a genocide of some form going on, there's only one country that could save you : The U.S. of Fuckin' A. We have been part of the relief effort of countless acts of total Inhumanity (Holocaust, Cambodia, Bosnia and Kosovo) while Western Europe sits in their Castles and yells at us for being "Imperialist pigs." Cambridgians and other hippies alike never agree with me but, what the fuck do they know, nothing fuck them.

And I understand Germany, everyone gets real antsy when they have any Nationalism, they couldn't even have a good time uniting for their country when the World Cup was in Germany. I figure they're going to wait until everyone from that generation dies and then they can stop pretending to be French.

But the deal with this conflict is this:

France: Oh shit, the fucking zionist bagel-eating jews are destroy our meal tickets' country, we'll I guess we'll help those camel jovkey, towel headed brown bastards.
Some Guy: What about Darfur?
France: What waste valueable whites on darkies? :Stereotypical French Laugh: Now quickly let's not work.

The Fact is is that the French government and hell culture has been extremely biggoted for years. Just look at the headscarf ban, they just didn't want jews and muslims in their public schools.

This isn't to say that I wouldn't play a little "pickle-tickle" with Audrey Tatou, I'd just force her to say that The Wu-Tang Clan's "Enter the 36 Chambers" is a contemporary classic and that "Yentl" was a great film.

Now hate mail me away in the comments. I'm going to hang out with Geno and Carlo in Dorchester.


Blogger (S)wine said...

the hell with Amelie--she's all played out.
are we/you really expecting the French to do anything productive? about anything? ever?

8:38 PM  
Blogger ESN-TNS said...

no, but i'd pee in brigette bardot's butt

1:00 AM  
Blogger (S)wine said...

have you seen bardot lately? as she was begging the gove-nah of Texas to pardons some fucko on death row? ufffa!

5:27 PM  
Blogger ESN-TNS said...

i dont want her now, i want her from back in the day

11:38 PM  
Blogger Bwana said...

"They fight with their feet,
they fuck with their face,
the French, they are a
funny race."

----- Edgar Allan Poe

1:33 PM  
Blogger (S)wine said...

Da Missus is French.
she never freaky-deaks w/her face.
bastid frog!

6:55 PM  

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