Monday, July 24, 2006

Should I Talk About How the World is Falling Apart or the New Jesu EP?

I guess that's the life of a blogger.

The Former: In case you've been living in a cave for summer, or you're one of those kids who gets their news from MTV, the world is going to shit around us. Let's back pedal to December 2005. I was cruising around Norwood in The Breeze while listening to BUR the Boston NPR station. They were doing a bit about how violent crime was exploding in the city and how murders had almost doubled since the year before. They were thinking there would be almost 100 murders in the City of Boston that year. I go back to school and whilst purchasing a Taquito at Sev (7-11 to those not in the know) I looked at an Inquirer headline proclaiming 380 murders in Phila in 2005. By the time we got to the end of January there were already well into double digits.

At work study my boss Angie and I were reading the beginning of this book Freakonomics where an economist is given seemingly random data about a socio-economic or socio-political issue and then he tries to solve it. First he was given why crime got worse and worse every year til '95 and then dropped so insanely. He looked 20 years back, one generation mind you, to '75 and saw that Roe vs. Wade was that eyar. SO, we had a low crime rate due to abortion and that kids that would be born into homes not capable of reering them, or that would go into foster care, etc. didn't exist and so you had a smaller criminal pool.

However crime is back up here.

Then we had Kim Jung-Il firing nukes.

Now we have the Middle East exploding into violence.

Here's my take on that. The reaction that the Isrealis took on this was like this.

Let's say you have a neighbor who's always been a drug addict but also a shithead. He's fucked with you a bit before but he's starting to get better, figure his shit out. Then one night two of his Head friends take two posters from your house. So you go over kill everyone in the house, burn the place to the ground and then sow salt into the land so that nothing may grow there ever again.

Are you fucking kidding me? I don't care how much shit Hezbollah has given you, you don't blow up a country that is just getting on it's feet, for the actions of a third party; especially if just because two soldiers were kidnapped. We didn't bomb Iran or Syria whenever a reporter was kidnapped. Fuck you Isreal, you are one step from being Nazis--yeah I said it the Jewish Homeland set up due to the Holocaust is nearly a Fascist state bent on the annhilation of their Muslim neighbors. I know they're pricks but you can't deal with it like Stalin deals with things.

This is how nations like our own need to deal with rogue third world states: Rise Above.

They shake us up we do't freak out and dissolve all our civil rights for freedom, we need to follow things to the letter of the law. If we acted exactly like our constitution towards these people, don't you think that morenof them might actually start to respect us and think that maybe its the Imams they listen to who are the murderous infidels and not us?
We need the aliens to land and help us stop slitting eachothers' throats.

The Latter: Many of you probably have no idea who Jesu are. Jesu is a new project born from Justin Broadrick who was the front man of Godflesh. Godflesh was really one of the first big Sludge bands that kind of kicked off the explosion of the scene we see today. Jesu had a self titled album come out last year, the slow, uber heavy, ridiculously downtuned guitars were balanced by almost chant like emotionless singing that gave a sort of eerie feeling. But the new EP "Silver" is much more rocking and has gorgeous melodies almost buried by the crushing guitars, the singing is less eerie and more melodic and emotional too. I see this band doing something really important if they keep going down the road they are.

And we need it, 'cause this whole place is going to hell.


Blogger Bwana said...

The former makes sense to me.

The latter...maybe they can do the theme music for the former.

THAT's how I roll!

11:09 AM  
Blogger ESN-TNS said...

20 million dead? that's how I roll!

4:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

3:24 AM  

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